‘Bloody Moon ’ Tuesday: The Glimpse of 2022 Last Total Lunar Eclipse 

By Hastkaari

Image Credit: pexels.com November 7, 2022

‘Blood Moon ’ Tuesday:  Last Total Lunar Eclipse 2022

On November 8, 2022, there will be a total lunar eclipse visible in Asia, Australia, America, and the Pacific.

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There were two solar eclipses and two lunar eclipses in 2022. The Last of All Eclipses and the Second Lunar Eclipse will be seen on November 8.

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According to NASA, the next total lunar eclipse will only be visible on March 14, 2025, thus astronomy enthusiasts and sky watchers alike are eager to take in the breathtaking scene of the approaching eclipse 

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This time, there will be a total lunar eclipse, which will cause the moon to turn red. The moon appears red as a result of the occurrence, earning it the moniker "BLOOD MOON."

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What little sunlight is still present during a lunar eclipse travels to the moon through Earth's atmosphere. The moon appears redder in cloudier or dustier environments.

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A lunar eclipse occurs when the sun, moon, and Earth line up. A full lunar eclipse occurs when the moon entirely disappears into Earth's shadow. 

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A total lunar eclipse happens when the Moon passes through the umbra, the deepest region of the Earth's shadow.

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The eclipse's first phase starts at 3:02 a.m. ET. At 4:09 a.m. ET, when it appears to be like a bite is being taken out of the moon, the partial eclipse officially starts. At 5:17 a.m. ET, the lunar disc will enter totality, which will continue for nearly an hour and a half.

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This eclipse will be visible in the region covering, North America, Australia, Asia, the North Atlantic Ocean, and the Pacific Ocean. Whereas, only the eastern regions of India are able to see the entire moon eclipse.  

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No special tools are required to watch the lunar eclipse; it may be seen with the unaided eye. However, for better viewing, binoculars or telescopes can be utilised.

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India's biggest cities' eclipse times At about 4:55 p.m., a total lunar eclipse will be visible from Kolkata. In Kolkata, the eclipse will begin at 4:52 and terminate at 6:20 for a total duration of 1 hour and 27 minutes. Only a 50-minute partial moon eclipse will be seen in Delhi. In Delhi, the eclipse will start at 05:29 and terminate at 06:09. The partial eclipse will last 18 minutes and begin at 06:01 and terminate at 06:19 local time in Mumbai. Beginning at 05:39 pm and lasting for 40 minutes in Chennai, the partial lunar eclipse will peak at 05:42 pm.

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