Recipe for Yogurt Cones | An Easy-to-Prepare Breakfast |

The Recipe for Yogurt Cones given in this article is An Easy-to-Prepare Breakfast, a very convenient and healthy snack that you can enjoy while on the go, whether you’re heading to school, college, or the office on weekdays too.

Here are a few ideas for Easy-to-Prepare, portable breakfast options that you can eat while jogging or walking on a Sunday. Though we have covered a few from the list in our week-days-wise articles, we will soon provide recipes for others too.

Yogurt: Pack a small container of yogurt to eat while you’re out. You can also mix in some berries or granola for added flavor and crunch. The best and quick way to start your day on a delicious yet healthy note.

Recipe for Yogurt Cones - An Easy-to-Prepare Breakfast
Recipe for Yogurt Cones – An Easy-to-Prepare Breakfast

Yes, a Yogurt Cone with lots of fruit can be a quick and easy-to-prepare breakfast option for leisurely Sundays.

Energy bars: These are easy to pack and eat on the go. Look for ones with whole grains and minimal added sugar.

Banana: A banana is a quick, healthy snack that you can easily eat while on the move.

Hard-boiled eggs: These are easy to prepare in advance and take with you. You can eat them plain or add them to a wrap with some avocado or hummus for extra protein and flavor.

Overnight oats: Mix together oats, milk, and your choice of fruit and/or nuts the night before and let it sit in the fridge. In the morning, you’ll have a ready-to-go breakfast that you can eat on the go.

Muffins: Bake a batch of muffins on Saturday and take one with you on your Sunday morning jog or walk. You can make savory muffins with veggies and cheese, or sweet muffins with fruit and nuts.

Smoothie: Make a smoothie the night before and pour it into a reusable bottle to take with you on your walk or jog. You can use frozen fruit, yogurt, and a liquid base like milk or water to make a creamy and satisfying smoothie.

Granola bars: Make a batch of granola bars on Saturday and take one with you on your Sunday morning jog or walk. You can add in nuts, seeds, and dried fruit for added flavor and nutrition.

Toast with peanut butter and banana: Toast a slice of bread the night before and spread with peanut butter and sliced banana. Wrap it up in foil or parchment paper and take it with you on your jog or walk.

Breakfast burrito: Make a breakfast burrito by wrapping scrambled eggs, beans, and diced vegetables in a tortilla. You can make a few of these on Sunday morning and take one with you on your jog or walk.

Sunday - Recipe No. 7
To make quick and Easy-to-Prepare Yogurt Cones, you can use the following method:
Step 1.

Start by gathering all the necessary ingredients and materials.

You will need:


Soft-serve frozen yogurt. (You can use any type of yogurts, such as plain, flavored, or Greek yogurt).

Ice cream cone made from Wheat flour

Toppings of your choice (such as fruit, nuts, chocolate chips, sprinkles, etc.)

Here’s how to make a yogurt cone, which is the 7th  in the series – “Easy-To-Prepare Breakfast Recipes” for Sundays.

The Recipe for Yoghurt Cones –  An Easy-to-Prepare Breakfast
Step 2.

If using frozen yogurt, make sure it is soft enough to scoop. If it is too hard, let it sit at room temperature for a few minutes to soften.

Step 3

Take a cone and fill it with yogurt.

Step 4.

Scoop the frozen yogurt into the cone, using a scoop or spoon.

Step 5.

Add your desired toppings on top of the yogurt.

Some good options include fruit, nuts, seeds, chocolate chips, or sprinkles. Fruits can have a variety like pineapple, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, bananas, oranges, kiwi, and grapes.

Step 6.

If making it for kids, be generous and add a little bit of maple syrup to add a hint of sweetness.

Step 7.

Once the cone is filled and topped with your desired ingredients, you can eat it immediately or wrap it in foil or wax paper and take it with you on the go.

You can also customize your yogurt cone with other ingredients, such as shredded coconut, chocolate chips, or granola, to suit your taste preferences.

Note: If you don’t have access to frozen yogurt, you can also use regular yogurt and freeze it in an ice cream maker according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Once the yogurt is frozen, scoop it into a cone and top it with your desired toppings.

When you’re ready to eat, remove the cone from the freezer and let it sit at room temperature for a few minutes to soften slightly. Then, enjoy your yogurt cone with fruit as a tasty and refreshing breakfast.

Remember to stay hydrated, especially if you’re exercising, and to listen to your body’s hunger and thirst cues.

If you enjoyed the recipe, let us know in the comments, and don’t forget to post pictures of the dishes you created using it.

If you enjoyed this dish, explore more of our:

Avocado Homemade Ranch Dressing

Pumpkin Cheese Macaroni 

Vegan Mushroom Peas in Cashew Cream

Image Credit: pexels and google

Mark your days with our day-wise Easy-to-Prepare Healthy Breakfast Recipes:
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Tuesday – Overnight Oats

Recipe For Overnight Oats| Easy-To-Prepare Breakfast|

Wednesday – Berry Smoothie

Berry Smoothie| Easy-To-Prepare Breakfast Recipe|

Thursday – Spiced Apple Porridge

Spiced Apple Porridge| Easy-To-Prepare Breakfast|

Friday – Homemade Museli

Homemade Museli | Easy-to-Prepare Breakfast Recipe|

Saturday – Recipe for Walnut Raisin Banana Bread

Recipe for Walnut Raisin and Banana Bread| Easy-to-Prepare Breakfast|

Sunday – Recipe for Yogurt Cones

Recipe for Yogurt Cones | An Easy-to-Prepare Breakfast |

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