Recipe for Vegan & Healthy| Mushrooms and Peas in Cashew Cream|

World Vegan Day is celebrated every year on November 1st around the world. Veganism is a way of living that tries to exclude the use of all animal products, including meat, eggs, dairy, honey, and other animal-derived substances.

This article will explain vegan cuisine and provide you with a Recipe for Vegan and Healthy – Mushrooms and Peas in Cashew Cream to cook on the occasion of World Vegan Day on 1 November 2022.
Vegan Mushrooms and Peas in Cashew Cream
Vegan Mushrooms and Peas in Cashew Cream

The cream that is added toward the end of the preparation and the onion-cashew paste is primarily responsible for the dish’s creamy smoothness. Remove the cream from this recipe to make it vegan. To achieve the creamy texture, just use cashew paste.

The Vegan Society was founded in 1944 by Donald Watson. It began as a social club for like-minded vegetarians who were looking for greater variety in their diet.

As more people joined the society and became vegan, they began to focus on the benefits of plant-based diets and started advocating for veganism as a way of life.

Society’s first action was to open up new restaurants with exclusively plant-based menus. The first one opened in 1948 in London and is called ‘Hills’.

Vegans abstain from using animal products, including meat, milk, and eggs. Unlike vegetarians who eat plant-based food but allow for the consumption of fish and other animals, vegans do not use anything that comes from any animal or is tested on animals.

In addition to that, veganism is also about nonviolence towards other sentient creatures – animals and humans alike. Vegans go beyond just abstaining from eating animal products in order to take action against all forms of animal exploitation. Many followers of Buddhism are also promoters of vegetarianism and oppose cruelty to animals.

The benefits of veganism for humans and the natural environment are celebrated through activities such as setting up stalls, hosting potlucks, and planting memorial trees.

The history of World Vegan Day

World Vegan Day originated in England in 1994, when vegan animal rights activist Louise Wallis was looking for a suitable date to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Vegan Society. As President of the Vegan Society, her aim was not only to emphasize the continued existence of a vegan association but also to draw attention to the fact that the word ‘vegan’ had found its way into the English language.

Wallis set November 1 as the date, as it falls exactly between October 31, which is Halloween, and the Mexican Day of the Dead, which falls on November 2. Since November 1, 1994, World Vegan Day has thus provided a welcome occasion for vegans in all parts of the world to celebrate and further promote veganism with all its positive aspects.

How Do Vegan and Vegetarian Diets Differ?

A vegetarian abstains from consuming any animal products like meat, poultry, or fish.

Vegans are more strict vegetarians who additionally avoid eating dairy, eggs, and any other products with animal byproducts.

The Vegan Society now describes veganism as a way of life that makes every effort to avoid animal exploitation and cruelty.

This includes being exploited for food or any other reason.

Therefore, a vegan diet forgoes not only eating animal meat but also products like dairy, eggs, and eggs.

Animal products are frequently avoided by vegetarians and vegans for similar reasons. Their level of acceptance of animal products is where they diverge most.

For instance, both vegetarians and vegans may abstain from eating meat due to environmental or health concerns.

Because they believe it will have the most impact on both the environment and their health, vegans also decide to abstain from all animal byproducts.

Vegetarians generally believe it is acceptable to consume animal byproducts like milk and eggs as long as the animals are kept in proper conditions. Vegetarians are opposed to the ethical practise of killing animals for food.

Animals should not be used by humans for anything, including food, clothing, research, or entertainment, according to vegans.

How to Celebrate World Vegan Day

Kick off the month of November with World Vegan Day. And those who are really into it may find that they want to party all month long! Try out these suggestions for celebrating this day:

On World Vegan Day, prepare delicious plant-based meals, go to local vegan groups’ events, and live a life free of animal products.

Try Out a Vegan Diet

Test-drive a vegan diet

Vegan Day is an occasion to raise awareness of the advantages of a vegan diet and veganism in general, as well as to commemorate the founding of the Vegan Society. Despite the fact that it can seem difficult, it truly isn’t! Simply substituting a green vegetable salad for that burger for lunch might help you get started. For cooking, swap out butter for coconut oil and dairy milk for soy, oat, or almond milk. Less difficult than most people realize!

Get something cooking that is Vegan

Feeling that going vegan would be difficult or cause your family to feel deprived? Uncertain about where to start? Try out some delicious recipes that won’t leave anyone feeling like they’re missing out!

In honor of World Vegan Day on November 1, we have compiled a list of some of our favorite vegan dishes that you can enjoy with your friends and family on World Vegan Day.

In this article, we will have the full Recipe for Vegan Mushrooms and Peas in Cashew Cream, and the rest we will provide in our next articles.

Recipe for Vegan and Healthy Mushrooms and Peas in Cashew Cream

This dish is a vegetarian dish that is rich in fiber and protein. The cashew cream sauce is made from ground cashew nuts, water, and spices.


250 gm button mushrooms,

2 cups of green peas

½ cup cashew cream (method given to prepare cream)

2 medium size onions finely chopped

1 medium size tomato, finely chopped

5-6 cloves of garlic (grated)

1 teaspoon of ginger paste or finely grated fresh ginger root

1 teaspoon cooking oil

1/4 teaspoon mustard seeds

1/4 tsp cumin seeds

A small stick of cinnamon

2-3 cloves

1-2 bay leaves

2 pieces of brown cardamom

2 pieces of green cardamom

1-2 dried red chilies

½ tsp garam masala

¼ tsp turmeric powder

1/4 teaspoon asafoetida powder (hing)

2 tablespoons tomato puree or canned tomato sauce

¼ tsp cumin powder

¼ tsp pepper powder

Salt, to taste

1 tablespoon sugar (optional)

1 cup water

2 tbsp coriander leaves finely chopped

Preparation – Mushrooms and Peas in Cashew Cream

To Make Cashew Cream

1/2 cup of cashew nuts, soaked in water for at least 30 minutes or overnight

Next morning drain the water and rinse well.

Blend into a smooth paste using a few tablespoons of water.

Preparation of Gravy for Vegan and Healthy – Mushrooms and Peas in Cashew Cream
  1. In a large pot, heat oil and cook onions for about 5 minutes or until softened.
  2. Add ginger paste and turmeric powder to the onions and cook for 2 minutes on low heat.
  3. Add the mustard seeds, cumin seeds, cinnamon, cloves, bay leaves, brown cardamom, green cardamom, and dried red chilies.
  4. Once the whole spices splutter and release their flavor, add tomato puree or canned tomato sauce to the mixture along with asafoetida powder, salt, and boiling water, stir well so that the spices will be well mixed in all the sauce in the pot, and keep cooking on low-low heat until most of the moisture evaporates.
  5. Add mushrooms and peas. Add a cup of water and cover the pressure cooker/kadhai. Let the curry cook on medium-high heat for a few minutes until the peas are tender.
  6. Add the cashew cream and mix well. Simmer for a few minutes until the gravy reaches the desired consistency. Add more water if required. Garnish with coriander leaves and serve hot.
  7. Enjoy the Vegan and Healthy – Mushrooms and Peas in Cashew Cream.

Some other delicious vegan dishes are :

Veggie Mac and Cheese

Cheese is one of the biggest obstacles to being vegan, which is understandable because cheese is so tasty. But you will not miss the cheese if you use this kind of recipe!

Grated potatoes, avocado oil, unroasted cashews, and a few spices are among the vegan-friendly components used to make the sauce. Delish!

Vegan Peanut Butter Cookie Bars

Many people believe that baking will suffer if milk, eggs, and butter aren’t used. But it’s not necessary! These contain dates, chocolate, walnuts, dates, peanut butter, and almond flour.

Chipotle Butternut Squash Chili

This chili’s base of squash, peppers, cashews, and beans is delightfully complemented with tortilla chips and chunks of avocado on the side.

Bake-free cookies

These chocolate, oat, and peanut butter cookies are a simple family favorite, replace the milk and butter with almond milk and coconut oil. The difference won’t even be apparent to anyone!

If you enjoyed this dish, explore more of our:

Recipe of Pumpkin Cheese Macaroni Click Here

Recipe of Avacado Home-Made Ranch Dressing Click Here 

Healthy Avocado Homemade Ranch Dressing Recipe for Salads and Dips Click Here

Photo credit: pexels and google

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