Green Chillies Can Help You Lose Weight! Sounds Strange! Check it out|

We all enjoy spicy foods, but we rarely consider the health benefits of green chilli. We’re here today to tell you about how Green Chillies Can Help You Lose Weight and about other health advantages of green chilli.

Green Chillies Can Help You Lose Weight!
Green Chillies Can Help You Lose Weight!


People spend thousands of rupees on fat-burning supplements in the mistaken belief that they are the most effective way to lose weight. The majority of those supplements are overly processed or artificial, which can be harmful to your health.

Green chillies not only add spice to dishes, making them more delicious, but they also have numerous health benefits. They are high in antioxidants and other nutrients that help fight off many health issues. Scroll down to learn more about Green Chillies (Indian- Hari Mirchi).

The following are the main health advantages of Green Chilli:
  1. Green Chillies Can Help You Lose Weight:

This small addition to our diet can have a big impact on our bodies. Because of its thermogenic properties, green chilli assists our bodies in burning excess fat. It boosts our metabolism because it is low in calories (15gm chillies have only 6kcal). Furthermore, studies show that eating spicy foods increases our metabolism for approximately 3 hours after consumption, increases our feeling of fullness, and prevents us from overeating. Thus Green Chillies Help You Lose Weight.

  1. Protect Your Heart:

Green chillies lower the risk of heart attack and stroke by decreasing blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Eating green chillies can lower blood pressure and heart rate. It also reduces the chance of platelet aggregation. Green chilli consumption boosts fibrinolytic activity. It has the ability to prevent blood clots from forming, which can lead to a heart attack or stroke.

  1. Blood sugar level control:

Regular consumption of green chillies can be beneficial to diabetics. They also help to maintain and balance blood sugar levels.

  1. Beneficial to Digestive Health:

Green Chillies are rich in dietary fibre, which promotes regular bowel movements and colon cleansing. Actually, fibre is necessary for bulking up waste and smoothing its passage out of the system, which helps to prevent constipation. Green chillies, on the other hand, may help prevent ulcers. Green chillies should be avoided by people who suffer from peptic ulcers.

  1. Treat skin infections to achieve glowing skin:

Green chillies have anti-bacterial properties, which aid in the treatment of skin infections and acne. Furthermore, the antioxidant Vitamin C found in green chillies (15gm chillies = 60%) aids in the production of essential collagen. This helps to retain and maintain the firmness and health of the skin. Green chilli contains vitamin E, which produces natural oils that are beneficial to the skin. So, effectively treat Acne, rashes, pimples, blemishes, and wrinkles. Remember to store the chillies in a dark and cool place because heat and light can cause the chillies to lose Vitamin C.

  1. Excellent for Hair Growth:

Green chillies contain natural silicon, which promotes blood circulation to the scalp and hair follicles, stimulates hair growth, and protects hair follicles. Vitamin C promotes iron absorption and provides adequate oxygen to hair follicles, preventing hair loss and split ends.

  1. Green Chilli Benefits in Cold Relief:

Green chillies contain capsaicin, which stimulates the mucous membranes of the nose. Therefore, it aids in making it thinner, causing mucus to drain from the nose quickly and curing the common cold.

  1. May Aid in Cancer Prevention:

Green chillies are high in antioxidants, which protect your body from free radicals that promote cancerous cell growth.

  1. Aids in Managing Mood Swings

However, eating green peppers causes the release of endorphins, which improve mood and prevent mood swings. They can also help with pain relief.

  1. May Aid in the Prevention of Osteoporosis

Green chillies are high in Vitamin K, which helps to prevent osteoporosis. Green chillies contain capsaicin, which helps to prevent joint inflammation.

  1. Green Chilli Improves Eyesight

Furthermore, green chillies are high in Vitamin C and beta carotene, both of which are beneficial to the eyes and the immune system.

Green chilli’s adverse effects
Some of the side effects of green chillies that you should be aware of are as follows:
  • Because green chillies contain a lot of dietary fibre, eating too many of them can cause constipation or diarrhoea.
  • Consuming too many green chillies may result in rectal inflammation. As a result, if you have piles, this can be especially painful.
  • Too many chillies in your diet can irritate the stomach lining, resulting in a burning sensation in your stomach.
  • Because chillies contain a high amount of capsaicin, eating too many of them may be harmful to your health.
  • Because chilli is extremely spicy and hot, it infuses the body with a lot of heat. Excessive consumption of chillies can raise your body temperature.
  • If you live in a hot climate, limit or avoid eating chillies because they can cause overheating, which can cause chest pain, stomach problems, constipation, anxiety, dry skin, red eyes, and heart palpitations. Body heat can also cause mouth ulcers.
  • If you are undergoing treatment for liver disease, heart disease, high blood pressure, or kidney disease, it is best to consult your doctor about how many green chillies you should consume because too much consumption of green chillies can worsen these health conditions.
  • According to some sources, pregnant women should refrain from consuming excessive amounts of green peppers because they can increase stomach heat, resulting in heartburn, and cause other health issues.
  • Those suffering from stomach and bowel ulcers, fever, throat, dry mouth, haemorrhoids, swelling, urinary infections, dry flashes, and stomach infections should limit their consumption of green chillies.

So you now understand the various benefits and drawbacks of including green chillies in your diet. What exactly are you waiting for? Include this spicy food in your daily diet, but consume it in moderation to avoid health problems. If you have any problems after eating green chillies, see a doctor right away.

Recipe of Green Chilli Pickle for Weight Loss:
  • 10-12 Green Chillies
  • 5-6 Lemon
  • Ginger
  • Dry Mango Powder
  • Sauf
  • Salt
  • Rock Salt
How to Prepare:
  • In one bowl, squeeze the juice of three lemons;
  • In another bowl, cut the lemons into four pieces.
  • Next, make a slit or cut the green chillies vertically with a knife and deseed them.
  • Combine ginger, lemon slices, green chillies, all spices, and lemon juice in a mixing bowl.
  • Refrigerate for 2 days.
  • Shake the jar every day to thoroughly mix all ingredients.

Your weight loss pickle will be ready in two days.

Enjoy the numerous health and weight loss benefits of this wonderful Spice.

Frequently Asked Questions: (FAQs)
Is Green Chilli Beneficial to Health?

The vibrant colour of green chilli indicates high levels of the antioxidant beta-carotene, which supports the cardiovascular system as well as the skin, eyes, and immune system. Furthermore, they contain vitamins B and E, as well as iron and potassium. So, yes, they are nutritious.

Is Green Chilli Good for Weight Loss?

Yes, they help you lose weight, and you can eat them at any time. They will not add a single gramme to your weight and will increase your metabolism by up to 50%. As a result, having a faster metabolism means you can lose weight more quickly.

How many green chillies should I eat per day if I want to lose weight?

Green chillies can cause acidity, a burning sensation in the gut, cramps, pain diarrhoea if consumed in excess. As a result, no more than 12 to 15 grammes (3 chillies) of chillies should be consumed in a single day.

Which Is Better: Green Chilli or Red Chilli?

Green chillies are healthier than red chilli powder because they contain more water and have no calories. Green chilli is the best choice for people who are trying to lose weight.

Does green chilli burn calories?

Dieting with chilli can help you reach your weight loss goals. This filling and the satisfying dish will make you less likely to snack on unhealthy foods. Furthermore, the nutrients in chilli can help burn calories and speed up metabolism, which aids in weight loss.

What are the other advantages of including green chilli in your diet?

Maintains heart health: Green chillies, which contain a high concentration of beta-carotene, aid in the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system and boost immunity.

What is the best chilli for losing weight?

Cayenne pepper

Cayenne pepper is a natural herb that may aid in weight loss. This red pepper may help you lose weight by suppressing your appetite, increasing your metabolism, and burning calories.

Is it safe to consume raw green chillies?

Raw green chilli consumption has been linked to improved bowel movements and a lower risk of ulcers. It protects cells and keeps them healthy by lowering blood cholesterol levels. It is essential in preventing severe heart diseases such as heart attack and stroke, as well as cancer.

Who should stay away from green chillies?

Those suffering from stomach and bowel ulcers, fever, throat, dry mouth, haemorrhoids, swelling, urinary infections, dry flashes, or stomach infections should refrain from eating.

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Image Credit: pexels and google

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